2016年8月10日 星期三


林惠茹老師研究歷程 Research profile

研究計畫 Research Project

2017.08-2018.07  科技部  MOST 106-2113-M-320-002 
2016.08-2017.07  科技部  MOST 105-2113-M-320-001   
2015.08-2016.07  科技部  MOST 104-2113-M-320-001 
2014.09-2015.07  慈濟基金會
2013.09-2014.07  慈濟基金會
2012.08-2013.07  科技部 NSC 99-2113-M-320 -002 -MY2     
2011.08-2012.07  科技部 NSC 99-2113-M-320 -002 -MY1

慈濟大學 學術研究論文獎 (104 慈大研獎字第046號)
慈濟大學 學術研究論文獎 (103 慈大研獎字第044號) 
慈濟大學 學術研究論文獎 (100 慈大研獎字第036號) 

發表文章  publications

Lin HR, Hu A, Chiang CW, Liao CC, and Chang KC*. Rapid and sensitive detection of carbapenemase activity in Acinetobacter baumannii using superficially porous liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. 2016. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 49: 910-917. (SCI) [pubmed]

Lin GH, Chang CY, and Lin HR*. Systematic profiling of indole-3-acetic acid biosynthesis in bacteria using LC–MS/MS. 2015. Journal of Chromatography B.  988:53–58.(SCI) [pubmed]

Chang KC, Kuo HY, Tang CY, Chang CW, Lu CW, Liu CC, Lin HR, Chen KS, and Liou ML*. Transcriptome profiling in imipenem-selected Acinetobacter baumannii. 2014. BMC genomics. 15:815-827. (SCI) [pubmed]

Lin HR*,Liao CC, and Lin TC. Improved identification of multiple drugs of abuse and relative metabolites in urine samples using liquid chromatography/triple quadrupole mass spectrometry coupled with a library search. 2014. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 28:2043-2053. (SCI) [pubmed]

 Lin HR*, Choi KI, Lin TC, and Hu A. Simultaneous quantification of amphetamine, opiates, ketamine and relative metabolites in urine for confirmatory analysis by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. 2013. Journal of chromatography B. 929: 133-141. (SCI) [pubmed]

Lin HR*, Chen CC, Huang CL, Chen ST, and Lua AC. Simultaneous determination of opiates, methadone, buprenorphine and metabolites in human urine by superficially porous liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. 2013. Journal of chromatography B. 925: 10-15. (SCI) [pubmed]

Lua A, Lin SL, Lin HR, and Lu AC*. Replacing Immunoassays for Mephedrone, Six Amphetamine Type Stimulants and Ketamines with Flow Injection Analysis Tandem Mass Spectrometry. 2012. J Anal Toxicol. 36: 575-581.(SCI) [pubmed] 


演講主題:Current and future applications of mass spectrometry to the clinical
laboratory,會議名稱:醫療檢驗學術研討會. 舉辦日期:104 年 12 月 14 日,主辦單位:花蓮縣醫事檢驗師公會,地點:慈濟醫院。 

演講主題: Simultaneous quantification of multiple drugs of abuse and relevant
metabolites in urine samples by liquid chromatography tandem mass
spectrometry. ,會議名稱: 國科會化學研究推動中心分析組春季研討會. 舉辦日期:100 年 02 月 26 日,主辦單位:國科會化學研究推動中心,地點:高雄師範大學。

100年/蔡嘉欣 [論文]
100年/陳勁綸 [論文]
100年/詹明憲 [論文]

102年/吳佳宜 [論文]
102年/林政翰 [論文]
102年/張仲妤 [論文]
102年/廖昭權 [論文]

